Bale, Wayward Cosmos

Honestly I originally came up with the raw concept of Bale watching the last episode of Firefly; found here. That episode ends (the entire series ends) with the antagonist-of-the-week floating helplessly in space (deservedly so) presumably to die (reiterate, deservedly so). It made me wonder what it would be like to be out there in the vastness of space completely by yourself.

To quote the great modern day philosopher Joe Rogan: “Very few people actually look up at night and go ‘wow, that literally is infinity.  We are floating in infinity.’  It is easier to see infinity than it is to see the ground.  I have [a better] view of infinity.”

So I tweaked the concept quite a bit, wrote a nice fat outline (with secrets) to include who he is, why he’s alone, and what could be out there waiting for him – and a whole lot more 🙂


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