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I am a psychotic almost pathological researcher – I research everything and anything I am interested in as I despise not understanding something down to its nutz-and-boltz – and I’m very good at research I think mainly because my engineering gig has primarily been focused on strategic research and development – but anyway one of the things I love is “Storytelling Formula” – I love the historical perspectives of storytelling, the contemporary art form, the Monomyth, the 3-act / 5-act or even 7-act conceptual structure, the multitudes of film / screenplay structures, and most of all I love (when done correctly) the persistent television format.

Anyway over the years I have learned a great deal about storytelling frameworks and have also discovered a few dark tucked-away and hush-hush secrets along the way – especially about the persistent television show formats.

As such I offer up my help and services – feel free to contact me via email @ dave@davescottscribbler.com or contact me through Celestial Fury Publishing LLC.

Just in case you as the reader don’t know exactly what I mean when I say a ‘persistent television show format,’ I’ve provided some links below to some of my favorite examples out there – they are listed in alpha-order.

Babylon 5 : Babylon 5’s Own Wiki

Battlestar Galactica (2004) : BSG’s Own Wiki

Breaking Bad : Wikipedia

Buffy the Vampire Slayer : BtVS’s Own Wiki

Firefly : Firefly’s Own Wiki

Justified : Justified’s Own Wiki

Roseanne : Wikipedia

Walking Dead : Walking Dead’s Own Wiki

Of course there are many more such as Dollhouse, LOST and Marvel’s Agents of Shield, but the above sources should be sufficient in conveying the overall point – oh and yes a comedy sitcom (such as Roseanne listed above) can absolutely be set in a deep persistent television format.