Punkins [407] Words

This was in response to a Challenge at The Prose

The basis of the challenge: Never fall asleep with an empty seat facing you. You never know what sits there while you sleep! Write a horror story, flash fiction, a poem, whatever suits your fancy. Let your imagination go wild.

I decided to include in this scribbling two things from real life; a sampling of my real grandmother and Punkins, a very special little cat in my life.

And yes, Punkins (or Punkinz for realz) is in the Grallus stories as well.



Lately I’ve been falling asleep on the couch, not really because I want to but because I have to. Our kids dumped one of those volcano science experiments on our bed… 2 gallons of water, vinegar, dish detergent and food coloring… My wife took the kids to her parents.

Anyway remember when you asked me if I believed in the supernatural and I answered with what I thought was so smart-alecky, “oh I dunno, how can we believe in anything {super}natural when we haven’t even figured out the {natural} yet?” Well I have a weird one for you.

So like I said, I’ve been sleeping on the couch a lot lately. Directly across from me is this old recliner, faded with age but still holding onto its regal charm. It was my grandmother’s favorite chair. I remember her sitting there, knitting or reading, always with a warm smile when she caught my eye. The chair is only a few feet away from the couch, so when I lie down, it’s directly in front of my face.

The other night, when I woke up, this little stuffed cat was sitting on that very chair, “looking at me.” It felt like it had claimed a spot that held so many memories of my grandmother. I know it doesn’t sound like anything weird yet, but here’s the rub; I know nobody else was home, and I’m positive it wasn’t there when I went to sleep. Granted, it’s the cutest little thing, but odd, right?

So I thought kinda nothing of it until it happened again the next morning.

There he was, just looking at me with these cute little eyes in his stylish little bow.

Again I tried to think nothing of it…

But last night I had a vivid almost lucid dream about my grandmother; she was so sweet. She is somehow involved in literally every one of my favorite memories from childhood. She taught me, by example mind-you, how to be kind to the meanest soul and strong in the face of ignorance.

She died without warning when I was only 10 in the late ‘70s. It destroyed me for quite awhile.

Anyway right before I woke up I heard her voice softly say; “Punkins” – which is what she so lovingly called me.

So when picked up the little cat today, I noticed the name-tag was labeled “Punkins.”

I haven’t smiled like that in a long while.


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